Togetherness Tech rehearsal
5th November 2022 March
I auditioned my dance school to be part of a big performance event held at a professional theatre. Donatella's Contemporary School of Dance received the exciting news that we were selected to perform at The United Collective dance event at Grove Theatre, Dunstable. My piece Togetherness is based on support, friendship and connection.
Interconnection 19th June 2019
Interconnection a further development of my recent pieces named One Another, Closeness and the Connection within others. These three separate pieces were an exploration of Attachment theories, Somatic practice and the investigation `of a specific question which was how does contact improvisation develop new movement ‘? With the focus of the skin layer of touch between two bodies in contact improvisation and the experiential narratives that emerge from tasks that focus upon that layer. I have now combined and explored all these ideas mentioned to form a contact duet with the exploration of another dance style that I am personally interested in and this is Bollywood dance. I have looked at artists such as Akram Khan for inspiration and influences and this lead to my main motif to be classical Indian gestures that has been developed and manipulated through the body. Interconnection overall investigates the sense of friendship, playfulness, Risks within contact and the attachment of another individual.
As Time goes by 29th March 2019
‘As time Goes by is a piece that reflects on the beautiful relationship between older adults and a younger generation within the community. The piece draws upon the sweet and innocent relationship amongst both generations within a dance based environment. We wanted to demonstrate that both generations can unite together to create something joyful for an audience to witness. The piece was developed through the dancers taking part in a dance class at local residential care home with older adults and this resulted in both generations experiencing each other’s movement vocabulary together and discussing their lifestyle. Through this collaboration we
we filmed aspects of the class which was projected on stage while the dancers are performing to show the audience how the movement relates to the day itself. The movement within ‘As time goes by’ was developed through the movement of the older adults, we used various motifs that we saw and introduced new ones to the piece. It involves gestural hand movements and contact repertoire that portrays different sensations such as a soft, sweet and as well as showing a sharp and dynamical side to the choreography.
The aim of this piece is to encourage young people to think about how they connect with different generations and how dance can be used in different settings.
‘The connection within others (5th sepetmeber 2018)’
This a set dissertation piece using the exploration of contact improvisation and the skin layer of touch. My research question is ‘how does contact improvisation develop new movement ‘? within this question I have focused on the skin layer of touch between two bodies in contact improvisation and the experiential narratives that emerge from tasks that focus upon that layer. The piece involves solos, duets, trios, quartets and quintets, the movement vocabulary in my piece is developed through improvisational tasks that where explored in my rehearsals. Within the piece there are themes and narratives that only emerged through the tasks that were investigated in the process and these where; stress, curiosity and happiness. The movement quality of ‘The connection within others’ involves a lot of strong and sharp movement that revolves around interesting contact work
Closeness ( 21st May 2018)
Closeness is a trio piece that focuses on the exploration of how the body moves in various ways by exploring specific body parts such as the legs, arms and Spine. Within this piece, I have focussed on how these body parts can manipulate each other to lead to movement material. This trio is influenced by somatic practice models such as; Feldenkrais, Body- Mind Centring and contact improvisation.
One Another (25th January 2018)
'One Another' is a duet piece that focuses on the attachment, bond and affection between two individuals. It involves contact repertoire to portray the sensation of being connected and joint to one another. This piece explores how us humans depend on eachother but fear to lose the love and affection towards people we love.The dancers will demonstrate expressive movements to portray the fear of being separated from eachother aswell as soft and delicate movements to represent happiness when they connect together.
Go Crazy (12th March 2018)
A fun and energetic Bollywood piece performed at Loughborough university as part of a competition .
( Donatella who choreographed the piece is also performing in it)
Manipulate ( 26th May 2017)
This piece is exploring how movements are manipulated and controlled by others and yourself. I am using influences from Carmen, a grand opera star who is very expressive with her movements and voice. Using this idea, the dancers will demonstrate expressive movements aswell as a sense of manipulation through their long skirts and props surroundings.
Bollywood Fun ( 26th May 2017)
A fun and energetic Bollywood piece performed at Nottingham university as part of NTU competition .
( Donatella who choreographed the piece is also performing in it)